Convenient nutrition therapy that meets you where you are

Nutrition care for chronic dieting, disordered eating, and diagnosed eating disorders including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Client Services

  • Intuiting Eating Counseling

    If you are frustrated and tired of the daily battle with food, exercise and your body and want a better way to pursue health without the diet mindset and micromanaging, this is for you! Using the principles of Intuitive Eating, we will work to take you from a place of guilt, shame and anxiety around food and movement to a place of peace, self assuredness, and increased confidence.

    Besides 1:1 nutrition counseling, you will also get access to me via secure messenger/chat function between sessions, personalized recommendations and goal setting, and helpful resources to support you on your intuitive eating journey. Unlearning diet culture is hard work, but SO worth it in the end!

    Individual Session Pricing:

    $150 for Initial Assessment and History (typically 75 -90 minute appointment)

    $125 per follow-up session (50 minutes)

    Session Package Options (Saves 10%)

    3 Sessions (Initial assessment + 2 follow-up sessions): $360. Pay in full.

    6 Sessions (Initial assessment + 5 follow-up sessions): $698. Option to pay in full or in 2 installments over 6 weeks.

    12 Sessions (Initial assessment = 11 follow-up sessions): $1375. Option to pay in full or in 3 installments over 12 weeks.

  • Eating Disorder Support

    Nutrition Therapy is so much more than what you are or aren’t eating, but looking at the why behind food choices, addressing fears and beliefs around food, and building healthy habits and relationships.

    Meeting consistently with a dietitian who has specialized training in eating disorders is one essential component to successful treatment and recovery. Treatment includes a detailed history and nutrition assessment to determine needs and the most beneficial treatment strategies, resources, support and guidance along the way. With your permission, I will work together with other members of your care team to coordinate the best care.

    Investment: $150 for the first appointment (75-90 mins), $125 per 60 minute session, $75 per 30 minute follow-up.

    Frequency of sessions and duration of treatment varies depending on the situation and will be determined between the dietitian and the client.

  • Coverage for Services

    Fees due at time of service. While I do not file insurance claims, I can provide a superbill (medical receipt) upon request. This can be submitted by the client to insurance for possible coverage or flex spending for possible reimbursement. I have a limited number of slots available for reduced fee/sliding scale for those who qualify.

  • Service Area

    I am licensed in the states of IA and IL to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for eating disorders. Some states do not require dietitian licensure, so inquire with me specifically if outside of IA or IL.

  • Other Services

    This includes brief video or phone check in between sessions, messenger/chat access, grocery or clothes shopping support, meal support or coaching,