It’s me.


I’m the owner.

It’s me.

Hey! Stephanie Proud here, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Therapist

My mission is to empower clients to break free from the chains of diet culture (say “peace out” to guilt, shame, and restriction!) and develop a healthy and balanced relationship with food. I use the principles of Intuitive Eating, including but not limited to honoring one's hunger and fullness cues, while also embracing the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from eating. By guiding individuals to listen to their bodies, I aim to help them break away from restrictive dieting and nurture a positive mindset towards food. My goal is for my clients to make informed choices about their nutrition, while also finding joy and peace in eating—-because food should add value to life, not cause stress or consume your thoughts!

As a dietitian who also supports folks with eating disorders, my goal is to create a safe and compassionate space for nutrition rehabilitation to occur. Through personalized nutrition counseling, I strive to address the underlying emotions and thoughts that contribute to these behaviors. By integrating evidence-based strategies, I aim to guide individuals towards a sustainable recovery journey. In my practice, I prioritize the individual's unique needs and goals. I understand that everyone's path to healing is different, and I remain committed to providing personalized guidance and support.

It is my passion to accompany others on their journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

“Flexibility in food choices is healthy.

Eating a variety of foods is healthy.

Enjoying your food is healthy.

Not stressing about your food is healthy.”

Contact me here

If you have a question or are interested in having me speak to your group, I’d love to hear from you!